Jason was a good sport and let my little sister, Tahna practice a pedicure on him! Frightening, not right!

Ya... like I said, frightening, not right!!!! Yes, those are Jason's lovely feet!!

We celebrated Kade's 12th birthday at Nana's. He's a little deacon now! He went to his first mutual activity up in the white mtns, too. I was a little teary eyed when he walked out the door with the teenagers to go!!

This is Cam on his last day of 1st grade doing a reader's theater. We're so proud of how far he's come over the year. It was amazing to hear him reading with such ease knowing that just a few months ago he had such a struggle with it! Great job, Cameron!

Bailey auditioned and was chosen for a solo part at Centennial High's end of the year choir concert. She looked and sounded beautiful! We're so proud of her. I can't believe she'll be a sophmore this August. Crazy...